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MAD Architects Designs Mixed-Use Building in Ecuador, the Firm's First Project in South America


The architecture firm MAD Architects, based in Beijing, China, has presented the design of its first project in South America, the mixed-use "Qondesa" tower in Quito, Ecuador, which will soon become the tallest building in the city.

The capital of Ecuador, located on the Guayllabamba river basin and on the eastern slopes of the Pichincha hills and volcanoes, is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here, MAD, led by Ma Yansong, has revealed a design inspired by the city's natural surroundings and seeks to further integrate nature to promote an ecological future.

MAD Architects Designs Mixed-Use Building in Ecuador, the Firm's First Project in South America - Image 6 of 7
MAD Architects Designs Mixed-Use Building in Ecuador. Image © Plomp

"Connecting residents with the beauty of nature through the dynamic design of the building. Growing from the ground to the sky, the exterior facade of "Qondesa" emulates twisted vines that intertwine around the building to narrow at its top and sprout vegetation that forms garden boxes on the building's balconies. Additionally, the exterior shape of "Qondesa" is designed not to block natural light and views of surrounding buildings," says MAD Architects.

MAD Architects Designs Mixed-Use Building in Ecuador, the Firm's First Project in South America - Image 5 of 7
MAD Architects Designs Mixed-Use Building in Ecuador. Image © Plomp

Located in front of La Carolina Park, an active 67-hectare green space in the city center, the building composed of urban apartments adds multiple amenities and common areas, seeking to promote "a new possibility of vertical community where residents play a fundamental role."

MAD Architects Designs Mixed-Use Building in Ecuador, the Firm's First Project in South America - Image 7 of 7
MAD Architects Designs Mixed-Use Building in Ecuador. Image © Plomp

Recently, ArchDaily spoke with Ma Yansong about how to build with the landscape, while presenting one of his most important projects: the Quzhou Sports Park in China. In this project, the architecture focused not only on completing the stadium proposal but also on creating an intervention that disappears, generating spaces for anyone to do anything at any time.

Qondesa Building / MAD Architects

2022, in process.
Location: Quito, Ecuador
Category: Mixed use

Lead partner: Ma Yansong, Dang Qun, Yosuke Hayano
Associate partners: Tiffany Dahlen
Design team: Jon Kontuly, Xie Peng, Horace Hou, Edwin Cho, Matthew McFetrick
Client: Uribe Schwarzkopf

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Cite: Dejtiar, Fabian. "MAD Architects Designs Mixed-Use Building in Ecuador, the Firm's First Project in South America" [MAD Architects diseña un edificio de uso mixto en Ecuador, su primer proyecto en Sudamérica] 03 May 2023. ArchDaily. (Trans. Harrouk, Christele) Accessed 20 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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